Principal's Message

I am delighted to welcome you to the Binayak Acharya College website. I hope to convey the passion and enthusiasm that both staff and students bring to all that they do here, making Binayak Acharya College such a wonderful place to learn.

Founded in 1978, Binayak Acharya College is renowned for the outstanding holistic education that we provide. As a College we have a strong focus on student academic progress and achievement and continuation to University is the chosen route for the significant majority. We deliver a curriculum model based upon the English National Curriculum but which goes significantly beyond the minimum expectations to cover a diverse range of subjects.

Students work in an environment where they are stretched and challenged and have their expectations raised to achieve demanding targets. This is evidenced in the latest results where our students have done exceptionally well.  Such success is a result of the partnership between the College, the students and parents through our commitment to parental engagement.  I am very proud of the exceptional body of teaching staff we have working across the College, engaging the students in a wide range of exciting learning opportunities.

At BAC we will place every student in a position where they are afforded choices through their lives, unconstrained; by the expectations of others, by their own ambitions and by external requirements and boundaries. All students are an intricate combination of both strengths and areas for improvement. Understanding these elements is the key to discovering and fulfilling their potential.

Our students’ success cannot be defined by qualifications alone. Students leave the College as dynamic and impactful global citizens, equipped to play a leading role in whichever walk of life they choose. To achieve this, students are encouraged to participate in the extensive array of opportunities which exist beyond the classroom. We are proud of our tradition of sporting success and musical excellence. In addition, many opportunities exist in debating and drama and the school offers a large range of visits and trips both locally and across the globe. Our excellent team ensures that every student is guided and cared for to ensure that their individual needs are met and students leave Binayak Acharya College accomplished in academic skills and architects of lives that exceed expectations.

Student leadership is within the very fabric of the College. Our College Executive play a central role in the organisation of the College and our thriving Student Council helps to ensure that the views of our students are represented. The House system is run by senior students and all year groups compete and contribute to the impassioned collaboration that are the House competitions. I consider it vital that leadership opportunities are available to all, rather than an exclusive few, and I am confident that our ever evolving initiatives help to provide a balanced and holistic education.

Binayak Acharya College is a challenging and yet exhilarating place to learn. I hope that this is shown through this site. I would warmly welcome you to come and visit to experience for yourself all that Binayak Acharya College has to offer.

Dr. Smt. Pramila Khadanga
Principal  – Binayak Acharya College