- The Library remains open on all working days from 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Issue and return of books are made from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. on all wording days and during vacations the library works from 8.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.
- Members of the staff, students of the college and persons with special permission from the principal may use the Library.
- Smoking inside the Library is strictly prohibited.
- only the members of the teaching staff have access to the reference section.
- all who happen to be inside the Library or in its neighborhood are expected to observe silence.
- The Librarian is to see that the rule of silence is strictly observed and take necessary steps to check wilful breach of rules.
- Every student is required to enroll himself/herself with the Library after producing his/her Identity Card duly signed by the Principal showing his/her class, year and roll number. Library card will be issued to the borrowers only on production of , Fresh/Renewed Identity Card. When it is lost a duplicate card will be issued on payment of fine of Re. 1/-.
- Borrowers must examine the condition of the books just after the books are issued to them, otherwise they will be held responsible for any damage discovered later on. In such cases the borrower shall be liable to pay a fine or replacement of the book.
- No book should be taken out of the library without the knowledge of the library staff. The borrower should leave the library only after the book(s) is entered in the issue register or rounded up at the time of return of the book(s).
- Books should be returned within the stipulated time period allowed. The time limit for student and the non-teaching staff borrowers is 15 days and for the members of teaching staff and for those who are specially permitted by the principal is 30 days and that can be re-issued for two successive occasions in an academic year. The student borrowers who fail to return the book(s) with in the time specified have to pay a fine of 10 paise per day till 30 days from the due date of return and when it exceeds one month, a fine of Rs. 5/- will be levied. The staff borrowers who fail to return the book(s) within the time specified, have to pay a fine of Rs. 2/- per day per book from the due date for return. Those who want to keep a book for longer period than the time allowed shall have to take prior permission form the principal.
- When a book is lost/damaged, either by borrower should replace a new copy or then the price of the book will be realised from him/her. If the lost book is one of a set of series, ten times of the cost of the whole set will be realised from the borrowers.
- All library books in possession of the college staff and students should be returned to the Library before the college closes for the Summer Vacation.
- Any body having a library book in his/her possession should return the same the the library whenever he or she receives a requisition from the Librarian.
- A student borrower against whom any over due or other charges are outstanding shall not be allowed to take his/her Admit Card for the Council/University Examination or transfer certificate until the library dues are cleared up.
- A book is once to a borrower may be reissued to him/her only when nobody else is in need of that book.
- The maximum no. of books to be issued to different categories of borrowers are as follows:
a. Members of teaching staff | 10 |
b. Instructor/Librarian | 3 |
c. Class – III employees | 3 |
d. Class – IV employees | 3 |
e. Students | 1 |
f. Hons. Students | 2 |
- Reference Books, Maps, Atlas, University Calendar, Periodicals, Dictionary, tools, course of study, question papers, year books, etc. are not to be issued out of the library without special permission from the Principal.
- When a member of staff is transferred from the college he/she has to return all books/periodicals borrowed by him/her from the library and obtain a clearance certificate from the Librarian.
- No remarks, notes, underlining or any sort of disfigurement in the books is allowed and the borrowers may have to replace the books in case of disfigurement.
- Users are not allowed to carry bags inside the library.